Eco Sciences EcoDrip Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Vape Additive

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Everyone loves to have as many options as possible when it comes to the goods they consume, and at Eco Sciences we strive to provide the best choices with our premium, CBD-rich, full spectrum hemp products.

We are aware that some customers prefer to choose from one or more of a variety of methods for consuming CBD products, which is what we had in mind when we developed our ECODRIP additives.

Our ECODRIP line comes in three varieties, and they are formulated to suit the broad needs of our customers. One advantage is that the ECODRIP line products are mixed with a customized, kosher PG/VG blend (propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin), which enables their versatility as a multifaceted product.

Each ECODRIP is food grade certified, so they can be used as a sublingual tincture, which means that it can be added to food or drinks in addition to taken under the tongue. Each method of ingestion can facilitate the needs of a broad variety of lifestyles.

When used as an additive, the hemp extract and CBD reaches the bloodstream in less than a minute. When ingested as a sublingual, the compounds can reach the bloodstream in minutes. When ingested with food, the tinctures will stay in the bloodstream longer after consumption.

ECODRIP Gold: This additive is our most cost efficient option, and includes around 100mg of CBD-rich, full spectrum hemp extract per bottle.

ECODRIP Platinum: This additive is one of our most popular blends, and includes around 400mg of CBD-rich, full spectrum hemp extract per bottle.

ECODRIP Onyx: At around 1000mg of CBD-rich, full spectrum hemp extract per bottle, this additive has the most concentrated amount of hemp extract in our ECODRIP line.



15mg CBD per bottle
100mg Hemp Extract per bottle


65mg CBD per bottle
400mg Hemp Extract per bottle


160mg CBD per bottle
1000mg Hemp Extract per bottle


Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, USP Propylene Glycol, USP Kosher Vegetable Glycerin.


Our products are legal according to federal law and many state laws. Our products are derived from legal hemp and do not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. However, we do not guarantee that this product is legal in your state, and it is up to you to determine that. Calm Leaf retains the right to not ship to any states where local laws conflict with the 2018 Farm Bill. Calm Leaf is not responsible for knowing whether this product is legal in your state, and you assume full responsibility for all parts pertaining to your purchase.
