Krabot Green Jongkong Kratom Powder

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Although Green Jongkong Kratom is not as popular as other kratom strains, it is slowly growing in popularity both here in the U.S., and also worldwide. There is a good chance that you are hearing about this unique strain for the first time. Kratom online stores such as Krabot are stocking this somewhat exclusive blend to meet the growing demand.

Finding information about this Kratom blend online is challenging. Hence, we have prepared this comprehensive guide to help you learn everything you need to know about Green Jongkong Kratom, including its benefits and recommended dosage.


Although Green Jongkong Kratom has been under the radar for some time, many Kratom lovers in the United States have started using it due to its effects and benefits.

Users who have been consuming this unique strain, report increased alertness and cognitive functioning when used in low dosages. Others have also said that they use it to relieve pain and boost mood. Studies have also indicated that Green Jongkong Kratom might help with relaxation. Bear in mind that some people might experience these effects while others do not.

Green Jongkong is a green veined strain similar in strength to our Green Maeng Da. It was harvested from the Jongkong province in Indonesia.


It is imperative to know that research on dosage is still undergoing. At the moment, it would be best to take small amounts of this unique strain. When taken in the correct dosage, users might be lucky enough to experience its potent effects.

Start with a few grams per day if you are taking it for the first time. Experienced users can take increased dosage as needed. Listen to your body to determine the correct dosage for you.

Unfortunately, abusing Green Jongkong Kratom can lead to various side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhea, loss of appetite, itching, nausea, constipation, drowsiness, sweating, and more. If you are starting your Green Jongkong Kratom journey, it is advisable to begin with moderate doses and to always consult your doctor.


Worthy alternatives of Green Jongkong Kratom include Malay Kratom and other Green Veined Kratom. Have you been looking for a new Green Jongkong Kratom supplier? If you are, make sure to consider Krabot today. Krabot is an supplier of all Kratom strains, including Green Jongkong Kratom. Our Green Jongkong Kratom was harvested in the Jongkong province in Indonesia.


  • High quality finely ground powder
  • 100 Micron fast acting grind
  • Pesticide and chemical free
  • No additives
  • Grown and harvested in the jungles of Southeast Asia

We blend every batch for consistency, and heat treat (pasteurize) for elimination of microbials. This process also lowers yeast and mold counts if present. We further test every batch for purity, heavy metals, and alkaloid content.


Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf.


Our products are legal according to federal law and many state laws. Our products are derived from legal hemp and do not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. However, we do not guarantee that this product is legal in your state, and it is up to you to determine that. Calm Leaf retains the right to not ship to any states where local laws conflict with the 2018 Farm Bill. Calm Leaf is not responsible for knowing whether this product is legal in your state, and you assume full responsibility for all parts pertaining to your purchase.
