Krabot Yellow Horn Kratom Powder

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Yellow Horn Kratom is another popular Kratom strain. It gets its name from the horned tips of the leaves. Like all the other Kratom strains, Yellow Horn Kratom originates in the Southeast Asia region. It starts as a white leaf during its early stages before changing its color and effect after curing in sunlight. This is why Yellow Horn Kratom is usually confused with the white Kratom strains.


Yellow Horn is a white or green-veined strain that was dried using a different technique. Users have reported it is mentally relaxing but also very uplifting, similar to a Green Malay.

Yellow Horn Kratom has a large following. Yellow Horn kratom is appreciated by many because it has been reported to have a stimulating and euphoric profile. Many users have mentioned that Yellow Horn Kratom reduces stress and depression, improves mood, elevates energy levels, and alleviates pain.


Even though Yellow Horn Kratom is not as popular as the other Kratom strains, that hasn't stopped it from having many active users. Those who love Yellow Horn Kratom say that this unique Kratom strain has a mood-elevating and relaxing profile.

Our Yellow Horn Kratom has no additives and is sourced from its origin, Southeast Asia. It does not contain any chemical or pesticide and is processed through a 100 micron fast acting grind. Most of all, it is high-quality and offers several benefits.


It is wise to start with low dosages before increasing your dosage gradually when taking Yellow Horn Kratom. Remember to factor in your age and overall health condition when choosing your preferred dosage. Moderate doses of up to 5 grams have effects that last for about 2.5 hours.


  • High quality finely ground powder
  • 100 Micron fast acting grind
  • Pesticide and chemical free
  • No additives
  • Grown and harvested in the jungles of Southeast Asia

We blend every batch for consistency, and heat treat (pasteurize) for elimination of microbials. This process also lowers yeast and mold counts if present. We further test every batch for purity, heavy metals, and alkaloid content.


Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf.


Our products are legal according to federal law and many state laws. Our products are derived from legal hemp and do not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. However, we do not guarantee that this product is legal in your state, and it is up to you to determine that. Calm Leaf retains the right to not ship to any states where local laws conflict with the 2018 Farm Bill. Calm Leaf is not responsible for knowing whether this product is legal in your state, and you assume full responsibility for all parts pertaining to your purchase.
