What are the Most Popular Types of Strains Used in Kratom Products?

Posted by David Nadel on Feb 28, 2023

Kratom is a plant derivative that’s been around for thousands of years, being utilized extensively by the people of Southeast Asia, where the plant originates, for its many valuable effects. People describe kratom as euphoric yet calming, and capable of aiding in the relief of physical discomfort. That being said, not all kratom products are going to affect you in the same way. One thing that many beginners don’t realize is that kratom comes in different strains, and the strain you choose can dramatically alter the effects that you end up feeling.

If you’re seeking out something specific from kratom, such as relief from stress, it is all the more important that you choose your strain wisely. As you will see, however, the topic of strains is not nearly as complicated as it may sound.

What Exactly is a Strain?

The strain of kratom refers to its “breed”, which determines its distinctive configuration of alkaloids, which are the key active compounds responsible for the plant’s effects. Kratom is the leaf of an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, and the specific location in which the plant grows can determine its configuration of alkaloids, and thus its strain.

Because of this, some strains are more mellowing, others are more energizing and overall, some are more likely to result in psychoactive effects than others. This also means that each person may find that one strain in particular suits their needs far better than others. For instance, if you took one kratom strain hoping for relief from physical discomfort and didn’t find it, it’s likely that you just went with the strong strain without knowing it.

What are the Main Types of Kratom Strains?

While there are many strains of kratom, the entire concept is easier to follow when you have an idea of the four main categories of strains. If you’re a hemp enthusiast, you have familiarity with how indicas, sativas, and hybrids differ from one another. Same rules apply to kratom strains, which are broken down into color, reflecting the color of the vein found in the leaf of the plant.

Type #1: Green Strains

Green strains are the mildest of all strains, and the least psychoactive. They’re also the strains most recommended to beginners because of how mild they are compared to the others. Most people find that green strains are nice and mellowing, making the mind and body feel at ease without any real powerful effects.


  • Green Malay: A more potent green strain that can lift mood while offering feelings of ease and mellowness. Its effects can last for longer than other strains.
  • Green Borneo: Can make you feel nice and laid back while improving alertness and concentration. It’s also one of the better green strains for physical discomfort.
  • Green Bali: One of the best options for beginners, it can offer a feeling of balance to one’s mood while also helping you feel more grounded and less reactive to stress.

Type #2: Yellow Strains

Yellow strains are a bit more potent than green strains, and a bit more balanced as well. They’re more likely to offer feelings of euphoria and generally uplifting effects combined with feelings of inner peace and ease. They’re a great step up after a beginner has gotten acquainted with the milder effects of yellow strains, and a good daily strain for many individuals who don’t need something as strong.


  • Super Bali Gold: A somewhat psychoactive strain that’s good for releasing tension in the body and the mind.
  • Maeng Da Yellow: This is one of the more analgesic yellow strains that you’ll find, and it can introduce great mood-boosting properties as well.
  • Super Yellow: Perhaps the most potent of all yellow strains, Super Yellow is known for its strong euphoria effects.

Type #3: White Strains

White strains are more potent than yellow strains, and more associated with euphoria than with sedation. They can therefore boost your mood and make you less likely to react to the daily annoyances that we encounter. They’re great for those who are feeling burnt out and fatigued, as well as those who are just looking for something to add some pep in their step.


  • White Borneo: Known for being a particularly energizing strain that many people enjoy early in the daytime as well as the afternoon. But, interestingly, in higher doses, it produces the opposite effect, and can even be great for bedtime.
  • White Thai: Known for both its potency and long-lasting effects, and a great choice for those who are primarily seeking relief from physical complaints. It also seems to be good for boosting stamina and motivation, making it a good daytime choice.
  • White Indo: A great mood booster and can even ease tension throughout the physical body in desirable ways that never feel overwhelming in moderate doses.

Type #4: Red Strains

Red strains are the most potent strains, and the most psychoactive ones of all. Also, the go-to choice for experienced users looking for relief from physical discomfort as well as fatigue and low mood. They’re the most uplifting strains of all and can definitely make you feel charged and invigorated at any time of day.


  • Red Horn: An incredibly potent strain that is typically pricier than others for this reason. It offers powerful effects on mood, but a little goes a long way, so be careful.
  • Red Borneo: One of the most popular choices for those who want physical relief. It contains a large amount of alkaloids that are known for their analgesic qualities.
  • Red Bali: A more sedating option that many people take at bedtime. This comes from its high potency that changes the effects over from stimulating to soothing.

Consider the Best Strain for Your Needs

There are many exceptional kratom strains out there, and we can’t pick one particular strain as the clear winner. Each strain serves a purpose, and each individual will find that some strains completely cater to their most specific needs. We encourage you to check out the above strains and more in order to find ones that satisfy whatever it is that you want out of kratom, whether that be physical relief, energy, lower stress, or anything else that you desire.