Clean Remedies Relax & Calm Broad Spectrum Hemp CBD Sour Gummies

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Clean Remedies Relax & Calm CBD sour gummies. Each gummy is infused with 10 mg of USDA Certified Organic and Kosher Certified Broad Spectrum CBD hemp extract. These CBD sour gummies are crafted by hand in small batches and flavored with natural juices and colors, coated with citric acid and light sugar. The flavor assortment available is cherry, raspberry, lemon, grape, and orange.


Sense of Calm

The cannabidiol in our CBD gummies may help to support a sense of calm in the mind and body.


The cannabidiol in our CBD gummies may help discomfort after you exercise.

Daily Stress

Our CBD gummies may support overall relaxation throughout the body that helps you manage the stressors of everyday life.

Healthy Wellness

Incorporating CBD into your wellness routine may support overall health and wellness.


Simply chew 1 gummy at a time until you get the desired effect you are looking for.


  • 300 mg infused Broad Spectrum in the entire container
  • 10 mg infused Broad Spectrum per gummy
  • 30 gummies/container
  • No artificial colors or flavors
  • A soft, flavorful, satisfying taste with every gummy
  • Flavors: Cherry, raspberry, lemon, grape, and orange
  • 3rd party lab tested with QR codes
  • Store in cool dark place


Broad-spectrum hemp extract (Organic), Dietary fiber, Safflower oil, Unflavored Gelatin, Citric Acid, Tartaric Acid, Natural Flavors, Natural Colors, Corn Starch, Cane Sugar.


Our products are legal according to federal law and many state laws. Our products are derived from legal hemp and do not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. However, we do not guarantee that this product is legal in your state, and it is up to you to determine that. Calm Leaf retains the right to not ship to any states where local laws conflict with the 2018 Farm Bill. Calm Leaf is not responsible for knowing whether this product is legal in your state, and you assume full responsibility for all parts pertaining to your purchase.
